5 Things You Might Not Know About Me
Hey everyone, I thought I would share a few things about me that you might not know. Some of you who follow me on social media or are friends with me might know all or some of these things but I thought it might be cool to share.
1. - I'm addicted to coffee.
I'm probably not alone on this one but I have at least one coffee every day. I was never really a coffee person until the end of my senior year of college. Looking back, I'm not sure what I did to wake up. I would enjoy an iced coffee in the summer or every once in a while, but it wasn't regular and I never liked hot coffee. However, senior year is when I really got busy with work and taking on bigger projects to prepare myself for after graduation. I was going to bed late very often, and waking up early, so I started having hot coffees in the morning and it was a big help in waking me up and getting my day started. Now, I am a very cranky person in the morning without a coffee and I love trying new and different kinds of coffee everywhere I go.
2. - I enjoy beer.
I am a big fan of craft beers. I always thought beer would be gross when I was younger but once I turned 21 and started trying beers, I really started to enjoy it. I love trying new kinds of beers whether it be local or a craft beer from the West Coast. I am a big fan of IPAs and wheat beers in particular, but as I said, I love trying all different kinds of beers. A friend of mine is a sales supervisor for a craft beer company so I get the advantage of an insider's perspective and he lets me know of what's new and what's the best. I've also been told that a beer a day reduces your chance of heart disease, diabetes, lowers blood pressure, and boosts creativity, so I'll drink to that!
3. I don't sleep much.
My first few years of college, I loved sleeping and would sleep in whenever I could. If I had to be at an early class, I would even sometimes sleep in that class because I was so tired and wanted to sleep. Once senior year came, I got busy with my video and photo work and was forced to be up late working, and going to class early the next day. I actually enjoyed it though, I felt really productive and that I was working hard at something I wanted to do. Since then, that's been my sort of lifestyle. I still go to bed really late, and I like waking up around 7 or 8 to start working for the day. I thrive off getting the most out of every day and less sleep makes that happen. I will sleep a bit more on weekends but not as much as many people I know.
4. I love to travel.
I guess who doesn't? But I do know many people/friends of mine who hate flying and like staying local. Not me. Most of my friends know this, but I love traveling, exploring, and seeing new places. Luckily for me, my job allows that to happen and I can even get paid to travel at times. New York City and Los Angeles are currently my two favorite cities but I have yet to leave the country and I would love to do that. I really enjoy seeing a new city, seeing their way of life and really just sightseeing wherever I am. I love always being on the go.
5. I love meeting people.
I am an extremely outgoing person and part of traveling, I love meeting new people. I have always been a friendly person and easy to talk with, and my business revolves around talking to people. I like sharing stories with others, hearing who they are, what they do, etc. As I said, my job revolves around people so it helps that I really do love meeting new people. If you ever see me out somewhere or at an event, come say hi! I'd love to talk.
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- Mike :)